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Glossary for Kit Insights
Glossary for Kit Insights

Learn the meanings of terms you’ll see in Kit Insights.

Updated over 5 months ago

What does a certain term in your Kit Insights dashboards mean? Use this handy glossary to find out.

New Leads

The number of subscribers added during the time period you are currently looking at. Leads are email subscribers who have not turned into paying customers yet.

Conversion Rate (or Conv. Rate or Conv.%)

The percentage of New Leads who have converted to Buyers (i.e., New Buyers / New Leads x 100%).

New Lead Value (or Lead Value)

The average amount of revenue generated by a New Lead.

This calculation includes all revenue ever generated by the New Leads in a given timeframe. So, if you’re looking at a report for January 2022, for example, the Lead Value for the New Leads in that report will include all revenue generated by those Leads up until the present day.

This is really helpful for understanding how leads monetize. For example, if you look at the Lead Value for New Leads who joined your list a year ago, they may now be worth $$60 each while New Leads who joined your list yesterday may be worth $0.

That $60 Lead Value could be indicative of how much yesterday’s New Leads will be worth in a year’s time.

New Lead Revenue

The dollar amount that any leads added during this time period.

The main difference between New Lead Revenue and Revenue is that New Lead Revenue:

  • Includes only revenue generated from Leads created during this time period.

  • May include revenue that these Leads generated outside this time period.

So, if a lead signed up during the time period stated in the report and purchased a $90 product a month later, that revenue would be included in the New Lead Revenue report, but not in the standard Revenue report.

New Buyer Value

The average revenue generated by a New Buyer during a given timeframe. The calculation for this metric is Revenue / New Buyers.


These are the number of items purchased within the timeframe.

If an order contains multiple items, each one will be calculated as a separate sale.

Tax, shipping, and so on are not included in the Sales report even though they are noted as separate invoice items.


The total revenue generated during this timeframe. This is the exact dollar amount that Kit records you as having received during this timeframe.

Average Order Value

The average order value as calculated by dividing the Revenue by the number of Sales during the time period.

Acquisition channels

The Acquisition dashboard tracks the channels contacts used to visit your website.

These channels and their definitions are:

  • search: Referral domain is a search engine, or utm_medium is "search"

  • email: Referral domain is an email client, or utm_medium is "email"

  • affiliate: utm_medium is "affiliate"

  • referral: utm_medium is "referral," or comes from another site that is not part of another channel.

  • paid: The query contains a tracking ID ("gclid," "fbclid," etc.), the referring domain is an ad platform, or utm_medium is "cpc," "ppc," or "paidsearch"

  • display: utm_medium is "display," "cpm," or "banner"

  • social: Referral domain is from a social media site, or utm_medium is equal to "social," "social-network," "social-media," "sm," "social network," or "social media"

  • direct: If the referrer is empty, or the referrer equals the host domain

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