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Guide to Modal (Pop-up) Forms
Guide to Modal (Pop-up) Forms

Show your forms to visitors at just the right time with these three options.

Updated over 5 months ago

Pop-up forms capture your visitors attention and offer some intriguing features which will entice your audience to subscribe.

What works for some audiences will be different for others, which is why we gave you options.

In your Kit account you'll find three pop-up options to choose from:

  • Timing: Show a form to visitors after they’ve been on the page for a certain amount of time

  • 📜 Scroll percentage: Show a form to visitors after they’ve scrolled down the page a certain percentage of the page

  • Exit extent: Show a form to visitors when they try to exit the page

Each modal (pop-up) form is a good fit for different scenarios, so let's take a look at how they all work.

Setting Modal Forms to Timing

If you want to make an offer to visitors who have been on your site for a certain amount of time, use the timing option.

To set your form up to display based on time, just follow these steps:

  1. Create a new modal form

  2. Click the Settings tab at the top of the page

  3. Select 'Timing' from the Display Options (it's selected by default in newly created forms)

  4. Change the timing to however many seconds you'd like

  5. Hit save from within the settings tab AND your form

Setting Modal Forms to Scroll Percentage

If you want to make an offer to visitors who are deep into reading your content, set your modal form to display at a specific scroll percentage.

The steps are the same as above, except in Step 3, choose the 'Scroll percentage' option, and set a value.

Change the percentage to whatever you'd like. Again, be sure to hit save from within the settings tab AND your form.

NOTE: If you set this to greater than 100%, your form will not pop up because it's not possible to scroll past more than 100% of a page. This might seem strange, but it's useful for other methods of triggering your modal forms.

Setting Modal Forms to Exit Intent

If you want to make an offer to visitors when they're about to leave your site, set your modal form to display on exit intent. This option will reveal the form when a visitor moves their mouse to close your website.

NOTE: This option only works when a visitor is using a desktop computer. It will not be triggered on mobile devices.

To set your form up to display on exit intent, follow the same steps as above, but choose the 'Exit Intent' option.

Don't forget to hit save from within the settings tab AND your form!

Other Modal Form Options

Now we'll walk through some of the other settings you'll find on your modal form.

"Trigger this modal with a link"

If you'd like to trigger the form to display when a visitor clicks on a link or button on your site, you'll need to use the code under the Display Options:

"Which devices should see this?"

By default, your modal form will display on both desktop and mobile sites. If you'd rather limit the form to only desktop or mobile, this is the place to do it!

"How often should a visitor see this?"

This option defines how many days must pass before the form is shown again to a returning visitor who has already seen it.

Want to change your form from a modal to another format? Here's how 👇

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