Help creators get the most from your app by setting up a comprehensive app details page. This is where creators land after installing your app, so make it count.
What to include
Your app details page needs:
A clear description of what your app does
Setup instructions
Links to documentation
Support information
How to configure
The details page for your app can be configured in the Developer settings menu, found by pressing the Edit button on the app you want to set up.
From there you can:
Select your app
Click "Edit"
Update these key fields:
Field | What it’s for | Restriction | Required |
App Name | The name the creators see for your app across the entire Kit platform | 50 characters | ✅ |
Summary | A short description that helps market your app, primarily shown in the card for your app on the Kit App Store main page | 90 characters | ✅ |
Description | A longer description, with markdown support (laid out below), that helps creators understand the value your app brings them, the functionality and how to use it. It’s your opportunity to sell yourself to our massive creator base | 5000 characters | ✅ |
Logo | Your app logo that will be shown in all places where your app can be installed and used. | Under 1MB and 1000 x1000 pixels. Only JPEG and PNG are accepted. | ✅ |
Images | Images of your app to give creators a visual representation of what it looks like and the functionality available | Up to 10 images, under 1MB and 1000 x1000 pixels. Only JPEG and PNG are accepted. | ✅ |
Website URL | Your app website URL |
| ✅ |
Support URL | Helps tell your users where to reach out to if they encounter any issues using your app |
| ✅ |
Knowledge base URL | A knowledge base/help center article for working with your app |
| ✅ |
Privacy Policy URL | A link to your privacy policy |
| ✅ |
Payment Required | A checkbox that identifies whether a paid account is required to use your app |
| ✅ |
Categories | The categories your app belongs to |
| ✅ |
We have added character restrictions on some of the fields that may be more strict than the length of the copy you previously had set, in these cases, please update the copy to fit within the new restrictions before saving your changes!
Here's an example of how it looks when editing your app description:
Markdown support
For the Description, we currently offer the following markdown support:
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
Unordered lists:
- item 1
- item 2Ordered lists:
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
[URL text](url)
Redirect handling
We've updated the OAuth redirect parameter to automatically send creators to your app details page after authentication. The URL format is:{app_id}
No changes needed if you're using our dynamic redirect parameter. Your creators will seamlessly move from installation to your getting started guide.
Sharing your app with creators
Once all the fields are added and populated, this is what the app details page will look to creators: