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Managing your Creator Profile in Kit
Managing your Creator Profile in Kit

Learn how to customize your Creator Profile's posts, links, and more before you share it with the world.

Updated yesterday

A one-stop hub for your audience to find your content and products

That's what the Creator Profile is. It's a mini website featuring your bio, posts, products, and other content. It also has a form for users to subscribe to your email list.

To see what a Creator Profile looks like live, check out Kit's Creator Profile!

You can access the Creator Profile builder by clicking Grow in the top navigation in Kit, followed by Creator Profile.

Generally, you'll use the customization settings on the right to edit your Creator Profile and preview your updated Creator Profile on the left.

So, let's look at how you can customize your Creator Profile and share it when you're done.

NOTE: We auto-save the changes you make to your Creator Profile, but you'll need to click the Publish button to apply them to your live Creator Profile. Your changes may also take a few minutes to go live.

Customizing your Creator Profile

Profile introduction and email form

Click any of these in your Creator Profile introduction to change them:

  • Creator business name

  • Name or byline (optional)

  • Bio

  • Profile photo

  • Email form's button text

For example, to customize your bio, click it and type away. Click anywhere outside the bio and we'll save your changes.

Design & template

Click Design & Template in the right sidebar to customize your Creator Profile's:

  • Template

  • Colors (e.g., background color, accent color, and heading color)

  • Fonts (i.e., heading and body font and font weight)

Navigation menu

The navigation menu helps users navigate to your Creator Profile's various pages. Its look differs based on:

  • Your Creator Profile template

  • Whether users are viewing your Creator Profile from a desktop or mobile device

In particular, Creator Profiles using the Hudson or Everett templates will have a swipeable navigation menu on mobile. Here's Hudson's, for example:

Creator Profiles using the Knox, Park, or Canyon templates will have a hamburger navigation menu on mobile. Here's Knox's:

Click Navigation Menu in the right sidebar to customize the order of your Creator Profile pages in the navigation menu.

Just drag and drop the pages in your preferred order.

You can also use the toggle next to each page to show (or hide) it from your Creator Profile.

NOTE: If you hide a page from your Creator Profile, users can still visit the page using its dedicated link. But they'll see a blank screen.

Sign up form

The sign up form allows you to edit and customize the confirmation email your subscribers get after they subscribe to your list on your Creator Profile.

This includes the main sign up form on the main Creator Profile page, as well as the sign up form at the end of every post that's on your Creator Profile.

You'll be able to edit it like all other incentive emails on our Forms and Landing Pages. You can edit the content of the email, choose the email template of your choice, and customize it to match you brand.

You can also update the settings on where your subscribers get redirected after confirming their subscription, or offer to a incentive/freebie.

Last but not least, you can auto-confirm new subscribers who join your list via your Creator Profile.

By checking this box, it means new subscribers do not have to engage with this confirmation email to join your list. For best deliverability practices, we do not recommend that you select this option.

Newsletter posts

The Posts page displays your public Broadcastsโ€”both free and paid. Paid posts will have a padlock icon to indicate that only paid subscribers can read them.

Click Newsletter Posts in the right sidebar to customize these settings:

  • Show Newsletter Posts: Show (or hide) the Posts page on your Creator Profile.

  • Featured post: Select whether your Creator Profile should feature your newest public post or a specific public post of your choice. You can make your posts public using the Public posts setting further down the sidebar.

  • Post visibility: Select whether anyone can read your (free) public posts or whether they'll need to be subscribed to your email list first. If you limit post access to just your subscribers, everyone who clicks your posts will see a preview of them and subscribers can log in to continue reading.

  • Public posts: Select the Broadcasts you want to display on your Creator Profile.

  • Newsletter product: Select the paid newsletter product users will need to be subscribed to before they can read your paid posts.

You can also click Write new post to start a new Broadcast. The new Broadcast will appear on your Creator Profile after you've published it to the web.


The Products page displays your Kit Commerce products.

To show (or hide) the Products page on your Creator Profile, click Products in the right sidebar, then toggle the Show Commerce products setting.

You can also select the products you want to display on the Products page.


The Recommendations page displays the creators that you recommend your subscribers check out (and subscribe to as well).

NOTE: You will need to have joined the Creator Network before you can recommend creators.

To show (or hide) the Recommendations page on your Creator Profile, click Recommendations in the right sidebar, then toggle the Show Recommendations setting.

If you want to change your recommended creators, you can do so from your Creator Network settings.


The Links page displays links to your different platforms, like your blog or social media accounts.

Click Links in the right sidebar to:

  • Show Links: Show (or hide) the Links page on your Creator Profile.

  • Add links: Click + Add new link to add a new link to the Links page.

  • Edit links: Click the pencil icon next to a link to edit its label, URL, and icon.

  • Reorder your links: Drag and drop the links in your preferred order.

  • Delete links: Click the trash can icon next to a link to delete it.

  • Change your links' colors: Change your links' background color, text color, icon color, and so on.

  • Show or hide the link URL: Use the Show URL toggle to show (or hide) your links' URLs from the Links page. (Your links' labels will still be visible.)

Custom pages

You can add up to three custom pages to your Creator Profile. To do so, click Custom Pages in the right sidebar, followed by + Add new page.

Give your page a name, and then click Add.

Once you've added a custom page, click the pencil icon next to it to customize its:

  • Page Name

  • URL Slug: This is the last part of the URL that points to your custom page. For example, If you change your page's URL slug, the old URL slug will not automatically redirect to the new one. Users using the old URL slug will see a 404 error page.

  • SEO Settings

    • Title and Description: This text will appear on the search results and social shares for your custom page, but not on the page itself.

    • Social share image: We automatically generate a default image of your Creator Profile that will appear when you share it on your socials. The default image will automatically update to match the changes you make to your Creator Profile. You can click Change image to replace our default social share image with your own. We recommend that your image have a 16:9 aspect ratio. (An image dimension of 1,200 x 675 px will work great!) Alternatively, click Reset image to replace your custom social share image with our default one.

To add content to your custom page, click its empty space in the Creator Profile builder and type away!

The custom page editor is identical to the email editor you use to write emails. Use it to add layouts, images, videos, buttons, and more.

To delete a custom page, click Custom Pages in the right sidebar. Then, click the trash can icon next to the page you want to delete.

If you delete a custom page, users using its dedicated link to access it will see a 404 error page.

NOTE: If you want to hide a custom page from your Creator Profile without deleting it, you can do so from the navigation menu settings. But users who try to visit your hidden custom page using its dedicated link will see a blank screen (which is similar to seeing a 404 error page).

Domain name

Click Domain Name in the right sidebar to select the domain name you want to use for your Creator Profile URL.

By default, your Creator Profile URL will use the account domain we assign to you, such as But you can change it to use a custom domain such as

NOTE: If you want to use a custom domain for your Creator Profile URL, add the custom domain to your Kit account first.


The SEO settings in the right sidebar help you customize your Creator Profile's appearance on search engine results pages and social media platforms.

You can customize your Creator Profile's:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Social share image: We automatically generate a default image of your Creator Profile that will appear when you share it on your socials. The default image will automatically update to match the changes you make to your Creator Profile. You can click Change image to replace our default social share image with your own. We recommend that your image have a 16:9 aspect ratio. (An image dimension of 1,200 x 675 px will work great!) Alternatively, click Reset image to replace your custom social share image with our default one.

NOTE: These SEO settings apply to all pages of your Creator Profile. This is except for custom pages, which can have their own SEO settings.

Publishing your changes

Once you're happy with your changes to your Creator Profile, click Publish to apply them to your live Creator Profile.

Previewing and sharing your Creator Profile

Use the desktop and mobile icons to preview your Creator Profile in desktop and mobile view respectively.

You can also click Open to view the live version of your Creator Profile.

NOTE: If your live Creator Profile isn't showing the changes you've made to it, check that you've published these first. Your changes may also take a few minutes to go live.

If you're happy with how your Creator Profile looks, grab its link from your browser's address bar for sharing everywhere! ๐Ÿ“ฃ

You can copy the main link to your Creator Profile (e.g., or the link for a specific Creator Profile page (e.g.,

To get the link for a specific Creator Profile page, click the page from your Creator Profile's navigation menu. Then, copy the link that appears in your address bar.

Viewing your Creator Profile reports

Click Reports to view a report on your Creator Profile's performance over the last 90 days, including:

  • The number of visits it has received

  • The number of confirmed subscribers who signed up via your Creator Profile

  • Your Creator Profile's conversion rate, which is calculated using this formula: Number of subscribers / Number of visits x 100%

  • The top pages that referred visitors to your Creator Profile

You can also download a CSV file of all subscribers who signed up via your Creator Profile to date.


Want to share your Creator Profile on your socials? We've got a handy guide to sharing your Forms and Landing Pages on various social media platforms.

The guide applies to sharing your Creator Profile too, so check it out ๐Ÿ‘‡

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