Textiful allows you to capture email addresses via text message. And good news: they integrate with Kit!
Here's how to set it up:
Create a Keyword.
Once you've created your Textiful account, you'll be prompted to set up a Keyword. You must do this first, because you'll be connecting your Keyword with Kit.
Click "Edit Keyword Settings" to get to your Keyword Settings.
On the left hand side is a menu. Click "Kit Integration."
Connect your Keyword to Kit.
On the next page, you'll be prompted to enter your API Key for your account. You can grab this on your Settings > Developer, under the V3 API Key section:
Use the drop down list to select the Form your want your Subscribers to be sent to.
Test the Connection
To make sure it's working, text your keyword to "444-999." This is what your subscribers would do as well.
You should receive a message from a different number, with instructions to join your list.
Send your email to confirm.
Check the 'Members' tab of Textiful to make sure you were added to the list:
And check the Form you selected in Kit to make sure you added:
Please Note: If you have the Incentive Email turned on, your Subscriber will show up as Unconfirmed. You may opt to turn "auto-confirm" on for text subscribers!