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Troubleshooting: Forms Not Displaying (General)
Troubleshooting: Forms Not Displaying (General)

If your Kit form isn't displaying once embedded on your website, here are the first things to check for in its settings.

Updated over 3 weeks ago

Is your embedded form not showing up?

Good news: many of the issues that prevent Kit forms from being displayed are minor, and can be resolved by simple adjustments to your form's display settings.

NOTE: The troubleshooting steps in this guide apply to all types of forms. We also have a separate troubleshooting article tailored to modal, slide-in, and sticky bar forms here, but please attempt the steps in this article first.

How to re-test your form

Between each of the following troubleshooting steps, you'll want to re-test your form. This involves doing these steps in the following order:

  • Re-save your form

  • If you embedded your form on your website using its raw HTML embed code, you'll need to re-copy & paste the embed code on your website

  • If you have any website caching plugins, clear them (we'd recommend consulting your plugin's documentation for how to do this)

  • Clear your browser cache

Check to see if your form is now displaying correctly. If it's still not showing up, try these troubleshooting steps:

1. Verify your form's display format.

When creating your form, you'll have selected from one of four display formats:

Each of these behave differently, so you'll want to check that your form is set to the correct format before testing.

  1. Inline forms are displayed within your site's content (such as in the sidebar, footer, or at the bottom of a blog post).

  2. Modal forms are pop-up forms.

  3. Slide in forms are similar to modals, but instead of popping up in the center of the screen, they slide in from one of the corners.

  4. Sticky bar forms are displayed across the very top or bottom of your website

To verify your form's current display format, check the text displayed under your form's template name on the 'General styles' section in the sidebar (the below example uses the Pine template):

If the format is incorrect, click the 'CHANGE TEMPLATE' button below it, then click 'change' next to the current format:

After that, re-test your form. (Or, if the format is already correct, move on to the next step.)

2. Is your form set to be hidden from returning subscribers?

This setting is located under Advanced Settings. First, click 'Settings' from the top toolbar of the form builder:

Then click 'Advanced' from the sidebar, and locate the returning visitors section (circled below):

If you have 'Hide the form' or 'Show custom content' selected here, and you've already signed up to your form in the past, this might be why you aren't seeing it.

From here, you have two options:

1. Switch this setting to 'Continue to show the form'

If you aren't concerned about hiding the form from returning subscribers, you can change this setting accordingly, then re-test your form. It should then display for you regardless of whether or not you've already signed up to it.

2. Leave the setting as-is, and visit your site from a private browsing window

​You can open a private browsing window by clicking File > New Incognito/Private Window, and then navigate to your website from the window that opens. Here's how to open an Incognito window on Chrome on a Mac (Safari & Firefox call it a Private Window instead):

On Windows, use this menu instead:

If the form shows up in a private browsing window, then you can rest assured it will show up to new website visitors, and it is only being hidden on your regular browsing window because you were a returning subscriber.

Still having trouble?

If your form is a modal, slide in, or sticky bar, there are some additional display settings to verify: please proceed to our next set of troubleshooting steps here!

If your form is an inline form, please reach out to us with the name of the form (as it is displayed on the forms page in your account), the URL on which it should be embedded, and a description or screenshot of how you embedded it.

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