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Using Email Aliases to Test Your Opt-ins
Using Email Aliases to Test Your Opt-ins

A simple email trick to quickly and conveniently test out your own forms and landing pages.

Updated over 5 months ago

Chances are you've signed up to your own form or landing page before, just as a test.

This is a great method of testing! It's the best way to verify exactly what a new subscriber will experience when they sign up to your list.

However, you probably only have so many email addresses to use for testing... or maybe you only have one. In that case, you'd have to delete yourself from your list in between each test, in order to get the experience of a truly brand-new subscriber.

But there's a better way!

Enter: email aliases.

Email aliases are a simple and convenient way to "pretend" that you're using a new email address, while still receiving the emails to the same inbox.

NOTE: Many major email providers (including Gmail and G Suite addresses) support email aliases, but not all of them. Be sure to double-check whether this is supported by your email provider before using this trick!

All you have to do is add a + sign and then some text at the end of the first part of your email.

Just don't add any spaces or special characters that would make it invalid as an email address. For example, if your email address is [email protected], then while testing you can use:




...the options are endless! Kit will treat these like they're different subscribers, but emails to those addresses will all go to the same inbox.

Much better. 😌

☝️ TIP: Since each of these email aliases will be treated as a new subscriber, you'll still want to go into your list and delete all the duplicates of yourself after you're done testing.

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