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Troubleshooting: Bulk Actions

Resolutions to common issues affecting the processing of bulk actions on subscribers in your Kit account.

Updated over 5 months ago

Encountering an issue trying to run a bulk action on your subscribers?

The resolution is likely in this article. Here we'll go over the most common hiccups that may occur when attempting to perform a bulk action on multiple subscribers at once.

Let's dive in!

Bulk action is only being performed on 30 subscribers at a time

You likely have only selected the first page of subscribers in a particular subset of your list, rather than all of the subscribers in that group.

To resolve this, after clicking the top checkbox to select all subscribers on the page, ensure you also click the blue bar that pops up confirming whether you want to select everyone in the group (i.e. in the tag/segment, etc.).

Here's what that process looks like:

If you skip clicking the link in the blue bar, only the 30 subscribers on the current page will be selected.

Can't click the bulk action dropdown, or it's grayed out

Make sure you have the subscribers you want to perform the bulk action on selected before you click the dropdown.

Bulk action dropdown says 'bulk action in progress'

Only one bulk action can be processed in your Kit account at a time, and sometimes it takes a bit of time for one to finish processing before you're able to start another.

For smaller actions, by the time you refresh your page it may already be done, and the dropdown re-enabled! But if not, you can check on the status of a bulk action by clicking this circle icon in the top bar of your account:

Once a bulk action has completed processing, refreshing your browser will automatically re-enable the dropdown. πŸ’ͺ

[insert action here] is not available as a bulk action

All actions currently supported as bulk actions will be listed in the bulk action dropdown. Some actions are only available on an individual subscriber basis at this time.

For the most part, the availability of bulk actions also doesn't change across different places in the app; the list will remain the same wherever you attempt to perform a bulk action from. However, there is one exception: accessing the bulk actions menu from within a visual automation will give you the option to remove subscribers from that automation. This is the only "unique" bulk action right now, but we may add more in the future!

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