Link Triggers are a great form of automation—but anything they can do can also be accomplished manually.
If you made a mistake with a Link Trigger—even if the email's already gone out—don't fret! You can always:
Give it some time (i.e. give your subscribers a chance to click, or not), or
Perform the Link Trigger's intended action retroactively this time around, and identify and fix the issue for future emails.
Here are the most common reasons your Link Trigger might not be working:
You're testing it from a preview email
By design, Link Triggers will function only in 'real' Broadcast and Sequence emails, and not their preview counterparts.
If you click a Link Trigger in a preview email, you'll still be able to verify that its destination URL is correct, but any actions associated with the Link Trigger will not fire.
It wasn't added to the email correctly
This is the most common cause of Link Trigger issues. Link Triggers need to be added to emails in a certain way, which we go over in this tutorial.
How to verify whether a Link Trigger was added correctly
The easiest way is to click the linked text, and click the link icon again (the same icon you clicked to add the link in the first place). You'll know it's a Link Trigger if the link URL is grayed out and uneditable:
On the other hand, if the link URL is editable, then there is no Link Trigger associated with that link:
If you're checking the Link Trigger of a Broadcast that has already been sent, you'll need to duplicate a draft version of it first, which you can do from the Broadcasts page.
Then, you can verify whether the Link Trigger is present in the duplicated draft. If it's not, then it wasn't present in the original, either.
💡 TIP: Double-checking that any Link Triggers were added successfully is a great step to add to your 'pre-send' checks! ✔️
But remember: anything Link Triggers can do can also be accomplished manually! It's just less convenient.
For instance, do you have a batch of subscribers that you retroactively need to add a Tag to after they clicked a link? We have a tutorial on how to do just that, linked below! 👇