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How to add Polls to your emails
How to add Polls to your emails

Learn the steps for adding a Poll to your emails, how subscribers can vote on your Polls, and how to view your Poll’s results.

Updated over 5 months ago

What are your subscribers’ thoughts on a topic? Let’s ask them. 🎤

Adding a Poll to your email is a fun method of increasing subscriber engagement. Plus, this is a great way to collect information about your subscribers and personalize the emails you send them.

Polls are available only on paid plans. You can add a Poll to:

To do so, click the part of the email (or template) to which you want to add a Poll.

Next, click the + button that appears on the left to load the content block menu. Then, select the Poll content block.

You can also access this content block by typing “/poll” into the editor.

Now, let’s set up your Poll!

Setting up your Poll

Click Start a new Poll to create a new Poll.

Type your poll question in the Question field, and your poll options into the Option fields. Click + Add option to add more options. Your Poll can have up to six options.

Advanced options

For each poll option, you can optionally set up Advanced options to redirect or segment your subscribers.


Redirect subscribers who click that option to a certain URL.

For example, if a subscriber votes to learn more about one of your products, you can redirect them to that product’s sales page.

Fill out the Redirect field with the URL you want to redirect subscribers to. If you don’t want to redirect your subscribers, leave the field blank.

NOTE: Regardless of whether you redirect your subscribers, they’ll see a message confirming their vote and (if you’ve enabled it) your Poll’s results. So, there's no need to redirect them to a voting confirmation page!


Add a certain Tag to subscribers who click that option.

This is useful for:

  • Keeping track of the subscribers who voted for each option

  • Sending different emails to subscribers based on the Tags they have (or don’t have)—but see the note below

Click Tag and use the dropdown menu to choose an existing Tag to add to subscribers. Alternatively, create a new Tag by typing its name into the menu, and then hitting “Enter” or “return” on your keyboard.

If you don’t want to add Tags to your subscribers, select No action.

NOTE: If you regularly send emails on different topics and want to let subscribers choose the email topics they receive from you going forward, it may be more appropriate and convenient to set up topics of interest instead of a Poll.

When you set up topics of interest, your subscribers can click an “Update your profile” link in your emails to update their subscription preferences:

Then, as they select (or deselect) their topics of interest, we’ll automatically add (or remove) Tags from them to match their preferences. You can then set up your emails to send to subscribers who have (or don’t have) certain Tags.

In contrast, while Polls can help add Tags to subscribers, they can’t remove Tags.

Reordering Poll options

To reorder your Poll options, rename each option—and set up their advanced options again as needed—to follow your preferred order.

You can also delete the existing Poll options and set them up again in your preferred order.

Deleting Poll options

Click Remove next to any Poll option to delete it.


Set up the amount of time subscribers have to respond to your Poll. Your Poll can be open for responses for one day, three days, seven days, or forever.

The Poll duration generally starts running from your email's send time.

For example, if you send your email on June 6, 2024, at 10 a.m. and your Poll’s duration is one day, then it will be open for responses until June 7, 2024, at 10 a.m.

Here are some special cases. In these situations, you may need to set a longer Poll duration to give subscribers enough time to vote:

  • If you are A/B testing your Broadcast, the Poll's duration will start running from the time the A/B test starts.

  • If you’ve scheduled a Broadcast and also published it to the web, the Poll's duration will start running from the time of publication (i.e., immediately). This is even if your Broadcast will be sent much later.

NOTE: The Duration setting is available only for Polls in Broadcasts and email templates. Polls in Sequence emails will be open for responses forever due to the evergreen nature of Sequences.


Toggle the Show results after voting setting depending on whether you want (or don’t want) to let subscribers view the Poll’s results after they’ve voted.

Customizing your Poll’s design

Click anywhere in your Poll to access its design settings in the right sidebar.

You can change your Poll’s background and text colors, question and option fonts, width, and more.

Deleting your Poll from your email

To delete your Poll, move your cursor over it and click the trash can icon that appears on the right.

Duplicating your Poll

You can duplicate your Poll by moving your cursor over it and clicking the duplicate icon that appears on the right.

Duplicating your Poll can be convenient for adding multiple Polls to your email. There’s no limit on the number of Polls your email can have, but we recommend having just one to avoid overwhelming your subscribers.

Adding an existing Poll to your email

To reuse a Poll you’ve previously created instead of starting a new Poll, add a Poll content block to your email. Then, click Use existing Poll.

Select the Poll you want to reuse, and it’ll be added to your email. Your Poll’s results will restart from zero for the email you’ve added it to. (Its results in past emails won’t change.)

Click Edit if you want to change the Poll’s questions and options.

Any changes you make to an existing Poll will be reflected in all draft and sent emails in the Kit app that contain it.

Your subscribers will always see the Poll in their inbox as it was designed when your email was sent. When they click the Poll's voting options, they'll see its updated version on the submission confirmation page.

NOTE: If you delete any of your existing Poll's options (to replace them with new ones for example), any responses that the option has already been received will be lost.

To avoid losing response data in this way, create a new Poll with your updated options instead of editing an existing Poll.

Responding to a Poll

Your subscribers can respond to your email’s Poll by clicking their preferred option.

This will open your Poll on a new page and your subscribers can click Submit to confirm their vote.

Your subscribers will then see a message confirming their submission.

If you’ve let subscribers view the Poll’s results, the results will appear under the confirmation message:

And if the subscriber has selected a Poll option that redirects them to a certain URL, that URL’s page will open in a new browser tab.

NOTE: Only Polls in live emails can be responded to. If you try to respond to a Poll in a preview email, you'll eventually reach a 404 error page.

You'll know you're trying to respond to a Poll in a preview email if you see this Preview Mode message after clicking a Poll option:

Responding to Polls in public posts

Only your subscribers can respond to Polls in Broadcasts you’ve published to the web.

People who click the Poll’s options will be prompted to either subscribe to your email list, or log in if they’re already a subscriber, before they can submit their vote.

Viewing your Poll’s results

The Poll’s results will show the total number of participants and the percentage of votes for each option.

The results will not list the subscribers who voted for each option. If you need that info, set up your Poll’s options beforehand to add a Tag to subscribers who click them.

Here’s where to view your Poll’s results:

For Polls in Broadcasts

Go to the Broadcasts page and click the Broadcast containing the Poll. Then, click the Analytics report.

Scroll to the bottom of the Analytics report to view the Poll’s results.

For Polls in Sequences

Go to the Sequences page and click the Sequence containing the Poll. Click Reports at the top right of the Sequence editor to open that Sequence’s reports.

After that, click the specific Sequence email containing the Poll to view the Poll’s results.

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