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Resending to unopens
Resending to unopens

How our resend to unopens feature works and how to use it. Plus, frequently asked questions.

Updated over a month ago

Get your Broadcasts in front of more people by resending them to subscribers who didn't open them the first time!

Our resend feature allows you to send your Broadcast again, but to only the subscribers who didn't open it the first time around.

πŸ‘‰ NOTE: This feature is available for Broadcasts and not Sequences at this time. You also need to have sent your Broadcast to at least one recipient previously.

If you had published your Broadcast to the web without sending it to any recipients the first time, the resend feature will not be available. You will need to duplicate your published Broadcast as a new Broadcast, and then send the latter to your recipients.

After you've sent a Broadcast, go to the Broadcasts page. Click the three horizontal dots button on the right of the Broadcast > Resend.

NOTE: Another way of resending a Broadcast is to go to the Broadcasts page and click the Broadcast's title.

Your Broadcast's reports will load. Then, click Resend to unopens option under the three vertical dots button at the top right.

Your Broadcast will be duplicated. We'll automatically prepend "Resending:" to the duplicate's subject line, but you can change or remove that if you want.

Make any changes to the duplicate's email contents in the email editor as you need. Then, when you're ready, send the duplicated Broadcast (or schedule it) just like normal!

You won't be able to edit your recipients list when sending itβ€”we'll take care of making sure it goes out to only the subscribers who hadn't opened the Broadcast the first time around. πŸ™Œ

Cumulative and individual reporting

The stats for a Broadcast that has been resent using the Resend to unopens feature will look like this:

As noted, the top section is the cumulative stats for both sends. The following two sections are the isolated individual stats for the first and second sends respectively.


Can I resend unopened Sequence emails?

No, resending is currently only available for Broadcast emails.

Why can't I see my Broadcast's resend option?

This could be because:

  • You've already used the option to resend your Broadcast. The resend feature can be used only once per Broadcast. After you use it once, the button will no longer be available.

  • You hadn't sent your Broadcast the first time around. If you had published your Broadcast to the web without sending it, the resend option will not be available. You will need to duplicate your published Broadcast as a new Broadcast to send it.

Can I schedule a resend in advance?

Yes! You can schedule a Broadcast resend in advance using the same method for scheduling a regular Broadcast.

The number of unopens will be accurate up until the time of resending. This is even if you schedule the resend many days in advance.

How long should I wait before resending?

We recommend waiting a few days to a week before resending. This gives your subscribers the opportunity to open the original email.

Not everyone checks their email every day, and you don't want to overwhelm their inbox (and risk them unsubscribing as a result).

Should I resend every Broadcast?

We suggest using this feature sparingly to avoid flooding your subscribers' inboxes. So, don't resend every single Broadcast.

Save it for your best content, or the most important announcements you don't want your subscribers to miss.

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