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Transaction reports
Transaction reports

See how many products you've sold

Updated this week

Selling digital products with Kit? You can now easily track the transactions coming in across your different products.

We’ve made it simple to keep a pulse on your product sales so you see what’s selling well, which discounts customers are using most, and how much revenue you’re bringing in. Here’s how!

How to see your transactions

Start by clicking Earn and then Products from the top bar in your Kit account.

Broadcasts - Kit - Google Chrome 2024-10-17 at 5.02.43 PM

Next, click on the Transactions tab.

You'll then see a table with all your Commerce transactions, organized chronologically:

All Orders Report - Google Chrome 2024-10-17 at 5.14.08 PM

The transaction history page

Within your transaction history table, you’ll see the product name, customer, date, whether a discount code was used, gross revenue, and net revenue.

Next to the customer’s email, you’ll see whether they are confirmed or deleted. This refers to their subscriber status in your Kit account.

All Orders Report - Kit - Google Chrome 2024-10-17 at 5.20.37 PM

Gross revenue refers to the amount the buyer paid. Net revenue refers to the gross revenue minus fees (the amount you receive to your bank account).

All Orders Report - Kit - Google Chrome 2024-10-17 at 5.21.51 PM

Exporting transaction data

You can also export your transaction history to a CSV file for more detailed reporting. To do so, click the Export button on the Transactions page.

All Orders Report - Kit - Google Chrome 2024-10-17 at 5.22.39 PM

Your CSV file export will include the following information:

  • invoice ID

  • translation date

  • product name

  • customer name

  • customer email

  • customer country (if applicable)

  • subscriber status (active or deleted)

  • discount code used (if applicable)

  • gross revenue

  • net revenue

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